Appetite changes and food aversions during pregnancy
8-minute read
Key facts
- Appetite changes are very common during pregnancy and may affect weight changes.
- A food aversion is an intense dislike of a specific food, causing unpleasant symptoms when you see or smell it.
- During pregnancy, your body needs vitamins, minerals and nutrients, including iron, folate and iodine.
- If food aversions or appetite changes prevent you from getting enough nutrients and vitamins, talk to your doctor or maternal health nurse.
What are food aversions, and why does appetite change during pregnancy?
A food aversion is an intense dislike of a specific food. Some people find that foods taste different during pregnancy. You may find it difficult to eat particular foods without feeling nauseous or gagging.
You might also experience food cravings (an intense urge to eat a specific food). While these appetite changes are quite common, they can make healthy eating during pregnancy a challenge.
Is it normal for my appetite to change during pregnancy?
Food aversions are common in pregnancy.
It is normal to experience either a loss of appetite or a change in food preferences. This can also change throughout your pregnancy, or between different pregnancies.
When are food aversions likely to start and end?
You can experience food aversions resulting from generalised nausea (also known as 'morning sickness') at any time of day. You are more likely to experience food aversions in your first trimester of pregnancy.
If you've gone off certain foods that are important for your diet, you can try again later in your pregnancy to see if the aversion has passed. If your nausea prevents you from eating well, see your doctor, especially if you experience any of the following:
- vomiting
- inability to keep food or fluids down
- weight loss
What food aversions are common?
When you are pregnant you may start to dislike foods that you used to love or you may crave foods that you once disliked. These preferences may change during any point in your pregnancy.
Common food aversions include:
- alcohol
- coffee and tea
- meat
- fatty food
- spicy food
- eggs
- foods with strong smells
What causes food aversions?
The cause of food aversions during pregnancy isn't clear, but your body is going through many different changes to support your baby's development.
Hormonal changes can affect your sense of smell and taste, particularly early in your pregnancy. For example, human chorionic gonadotropin (also known as hCG) is a hormone produced during pregnancy. It can cause feelings of nausea, appetite changes and food aversion.
Because pregnancy can increase your sensitivity to smell and taste, your food choices may also change. Some people develop aversions to bitter, spicy or strong smelling foods.
More research is needed to better understand why food cravings and aversions occur. Some reasons may include hormonal changes or protecting the unborn baby from potentially harmful substances or nutritional deficiencies. This is to encourage good nutrition and growth in the pregnancy.
What should I be eating while I am pregnant?
Your diet should be diverse, balanced and include a variety of the 5 food groups:
- vegetables and legumes
- grains and cereals
- milk, yoghurt, cheese or alternatives
- lean meat, poultry, fish, tofu, nuts, seeds or other alternatives
- fruit
You don't have to eat more than you usually do, but you should focus on variety and getting enough nutrients. If you are vegan or vegetarian you might need to check with a dietitian to make sure you're getting enough nutrients. During pregnancy, your body also needs plenty of water (7 to 9 glasses each day).
If you develop an aversion to meat or another essential food, consider how you might substitute these with alternative sources of nutrition. For example, ask a dietitian how you can substitute meat for nuts.
What nutrients do I need to make sure I'm getting while pregnant?
Taking supplements will not make up for poor choices in diet, and a healthy diverse diet is very important. But you may need some extra vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help your baby develop, especially if you develop a food aversion or experience a reduced appetite. These include, but are not limited to:
Folate (Folic acid)
Folate helps to develop your baby's brain and prevents the risk of your baby being born with a birth defect of the brain or spinal cord (neural tube defects). Folate is always important but especially in the early stages of pregnancy, and even before conception. Folate-rich foods include green leafy vegetables, broccoli, legumes, oranges, avocado, or fortified breads and cereals.
Iodine is important for your baby's growth and brain development. It is essential for the production of thyroid hormones that help with your baby's growth.
To make sure that you are getting enough iodine in your diet, choose healthy foods that are sources of iodine, such as low-fat milk products, eggs, and cooked fish and seafood.
Iodised salt is also a good source of iodine. If you add salt to your food or in cooking, choose iodised salt. Take care not to add too much salt.
If you have a thyroid condition, seek advice from your doctor before taking an iodine supplement.
Iron is important for making red blood cells. When you are pregnant your blood volume increases and you need larger amounts of iron. Iron-rich foods such as red meat, poultry, tofu, and iron-fortified cereals are a good way to increase your iron intake.
Eating foods high in vitamin C such as oranges, kiwi fruit, capsicum and broccoli can help iron absorption. Some foods such as tea and coffee can reduce iron absorption.
Not all vitamins and mineral supplements are necessary during pregnancy, and some may even be harmful at high levels. It is important to consult your doctor before starting to take any supplements.
Tips to help manage food aversions and nausea in pregnancy
Here are some suggestions to help manage nausea in pregnancy:
- Try to avoid triggers that make you feel sick — for example, strong smells.
- Try cold or frozen drinks and foods, as you may tolerate them better.
- Eat small meals rather than a lot of food all at once, and try not to overeat.
- Avoid fatty, spicy, fried and battered foods.
- Notice if you tend to feel nauseous at a particular time of day — schedule frequent small meals at other times.
- Rest when you can — fatigue can make nausea worse.
- Herbal teas may be helpful, for example peppermint or ginger teas or herbal infusions.
Resources and Support
For more advice on food aversions or appetite loss in pregnancy speak to your:
To understand recommended dietary intake during pregnancy:
- Consult the Australian Dietary Guidelines for healthy eating during pregnancy to understand the amounts and types of food that you should be eating.
- Read tips and advice for your pregnancy on ‘Your Healthy Pregnancy'.
- Consult an accredited practising dietitian to develop a personalised plan for your healthy eating during pregnancy.

Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.