Childhood behaviours

Bedwetting in children
Bedwetting is common in young children and often gets better on its own. Find out when to see your doctor and how to help your child with bedwetting.

Building positive body image in kids
It's important to teach kids to feel good about their bodies, as positive body image leads to greater self-esteem and a healthier outlook on life.

Childhood anxieties and fears
Anxious feelings in children are normal, but some anxiety can last longer. Learn how to help your child overcome their fears and when to seek help.

Childhood sexuality
Find out what is normal child sexual behaviour, how to help children develop positive attitudes to sexuality, and when to seek advice.

Children and biting
Biting is very common in toddlers. Understanding why children bite, and how to respond, can help parents deal with this challenging behaviour.

Discipline strategies
Finding the best strategy for disciplining your toddler or young child can be hard. Learn more about what works well and what does not.

Encouraging good behaviour
You can encourage more positive behaviour in your toddler by being specific and clear in your praise and your approach to discipline.

Gender roles, identity and dysphoria in children
Children start to understand gender from a young age. Learn about gender roles, how to support your child’s gender identity and gender dysphoria.

Growing pains
Growing pains are likely to occur when there is an imbalance between bone length and muscle strength which happens during periods of growth in childre...

Helping children deal with emotional trauma
Children experience grief and trauma in different ways. Trauma can come from a single event, or over a period of time. Learn how to support your child...

Helping toddlers manage new situations
Toddlers can experience strong emotions like shyness, anxiety and fear when trying new things. Here's how you can help them manage new situations.

Helping your child deal with their emotions
Find out how to support your child’s emotional development, which may help them develop resilience and emotional wellbeing as they get older.

How children make friends
Its important for children to make friends, but making and keeping friends isn't always easy. Learn about how you can help your child make friends.

Imaginary friends
Young children with active imaginations may have an imaginary friend. Learn about how imaginary friends can help your child develop social skills.

Nightmares and night terrors in children
Find out more about nightmares and night terrors in young children, what you can do to settle your child back to sleep and when to seek further help.

Self-esteem in children
Learn ways to help build your child's self-esteem so they grow into happy, confident and well-adjusted teenagers, who cope well with life.

Separation anxiety in children
Separation anxiety in babies and children is a fear of being separated from their parent or carer. Find out what you can do to help your child and whe...

Sibling rivalry
Sibling rivalry occurs when children are young and learning to get along. Learn more about why children fight and get tips to manage sibling rivalry.

Temper tantrums
Temper tantrums and pestering are natural child behaviors but can be a cry for help. Learn about their causes, how to respond and when to seek help.

Thumb sucking
Thumb sucking is a self-soothing habit in young children. Read about some strategies to help stop your child from sucking their thumb.

Toddler and the new baby
There are many things parents can do to help your toddler prepare for your new baby. Read on about what to do, and what to avoid.

Toddlers and lies
Toddlers might lie or fib for a variety for reasons. Learn why your toddler may lie, how to handle it and how you can encourage honesty.

When your child’s favourite word is 'NO'!
Most toddlers go through a stage when 'no' is their favourite word. Get some parenting advice and tips on how to manage this difficult stage.

Young children and bullying
Bullying is common among children. Learn to recognise the signs of bullying, how you can help your child and what to do if your child is the bully.