Feeding your baby

Feeding your newborn baby
One of the most important choices you need to make as a new parent is how you will feed your baby. Find out about the different options available.

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition your baby needs during their first 6 months of life. Find out all you need to know about breastfeeding.

Feeding your baby with formula
Learn about infant formula feeding for your baby and how formula is different to breastmilk. Find out how to choose between types of formula.

Bottle feeding your baby
You can use a bottle to feed your baby expressed breast milk or formula if you are unable or choose not to breastfeed.

Expressing and storing breast milk
Learn how to express milk from your breasts by hand or with a pump. Expressed breast milk can be stored and fed to your baby later.

Cleaning and sterilising baby bottles
Until your baby is 12 months old you should sterilise bottles before you use them. Clean equipment helps protect your baby from germs and infections.

A partner’s guide to breastfeeding
Learn what you need to know about breastfeeding and how you can support your partner. Also read up on activities to help you bond with your baby.

Mixed feeding
Mixed feeding is when your baby is fed formula and breastmilk. Learn why you might choose mixed feeding, how to manage it, and where to get help.

Burping and wind in babies
Babies can swallow air when they’re crying or feeding. They can get rid of wind by burping or passing wind. Learn more about how to burp your baby.

Introducing solid food
By the time your baby is about 6 months of age, breast milk or formula will no longer provide all the nutrition they need for healthy growth.

Balancing introducing solids with milk feeds
A balanced diet is important for your baby’s development. Learn about introducing solids to your baby’s diet and while maintaining milk feeds.

Weaning is when you stop breastfeeding your baby or toddler. Find out how to start reducing breast feeds and weaning your child to a bottle or cup.

How to introduce allergy foods
You can gradually introduce allergy foods to your baby's diet when they start on solids, at about 6 months.

Milk allergy and lactose intolerance in babies and children
Find out more about lactose intolerance and milk allergies in babies and children, including the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

When can babies drink water?
You may wonder when it is safe to start giving your baby water. Whether you are breastfeeding or formula-feeding, learn how and when to get started.

Vegetarian and vegan feeding guide for babies
If your baby is ready for solids and you plan to start them on a vegetarian or vegan diet, you may need to take extra care to ensure they get adequate...

Donor breast milk and milk banks
Learn how and when donor breast milk can be used to feed babies. Milk from a milk bank can be helpful for premature or unwell babies.

Breast pumps
Find out why you might need a breast pump to express milk. Learn what types there are and where to get one.