Pregnancy checkups, screenings and scans

Antenatal care during your pregnancy
Antenatal care is the check-ups you have during your pregnancy to monitor the health of you and your baby. Learn about what antenatal care involves.

Routine antenatal tests
During pregnancy, you'll be offered various blood tests and ultrasound scans. Find out what each test can tell you about you and your baby's health.

Blood tests during pregnancy
Blood tests are offered during your pregnancy to assess the health of you and your baby. Find out about these tests and when you'll be offered them.

Ultrasound scans during pregnancy
Ultrasound scans help monitor your baby's health throughout your pregnancy. Find out when and why you might have ultrasound scans during pregnancy.

Prenatal screening and testing
Prenatal testing is available to check the health of your baby. It is your choice if you decide to have these tests and you should discuss your option...

Dating scan
If you are pregnant you can have a dating scan. During a dating ultrasound, a sonographer measures your baby to work out your estimated due date.

Morphology scan
You will be offered a morphology scan at week 18 to 22 of pregnancy. Learn what a morphology scan can tell you and how this ultrasound test is done.

Genetic counselling
Genetic counselling can be helpful for some people when planning or during pregnancy. Find out about genetic counselling and what to expect.

Neural tube defects
Neural tube defect affects less than 1 in 1000 pregnancies. Learn about factors that increase your baby's risk, and what you can do to reduce risk.

Questions to ask your doctor about tests and scans
Questions to ask your doctor about the tests and scans you will be offered during your pregnancy.