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Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a test done during pregnancy, where a sample of cells from the placenta is used to check for genetic conditions.
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Morphology scan
You will be offered a morphology scan at week 18 to 22 of pregnancy. Learn what a morphology scan can tell you and how this ultrasound test is done.
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Routine antenatal tests
During pregnancy, you'll be offered various blood tests and ultrasound scans. Find out what each test can tell you about you and your baby's health.
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Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
A non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) is a sensitive test to screen for Down syndrome and some other chromosomal disorders early in pregnancy.
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Prenatal screening (genetic screening in pregnancy)
Prenatal screening tests assess the chance of some medical problems your baby may have. Your healthcare provider can help decide if they're a good idea.
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Genetic counselling
Genetic counselling can be helpful for some people when planning or during pregnancy. Find out about genetic counselling and what to expect.
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Being pregnant after 40
Being pregnant is an exciting time. But when you're over 40 years old, there are things you need to think about to keep you and your baby healthy.
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Screening for Down syndrome
Down syndrome is a common chromosomal disorder. Find out about the screening and diagnostic tests to detect the condition before your baby is born.
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Rhesus D negative in pregnancy
Rhesus disease is an incompatibility between your and your baby’s blood types. Find out what it could mean for your baby and how it is treated.
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Rhesus D negative in pregnancy
Rhesus disease is an incompatibility between your and your baby’s blood types. Find out what it could mean for your baby and how it is treated.
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