Cluster feeding
5-minute read
Key facts
- Cluster feeding is when your baby wants lots of short feeds over a few hours.
- Cluster feeding is very common, especially in the late afternoon or early evening.
- No one really knows why some babies cluster feed, but it may be a way for your body to boost your milk supply.
- If your baby cluster feeds, this does not mean that you don't have enough milk.
- Cluster feeding can be exhausting; it's a good idea to think of strategies to help you cope when your baby feeds frequently.
What is cluster feeding?
Cluster feeding is a time when your baby wants lots of short feeds over a few hours. It often happens in the early days of breastfeeding.
Cluster feeding is a normal behaviour for your baby. It's more common in the late afternoon or early evening, but it can happen anytime of the day.
It seems that some babies prefer to fill up on milk for a few hours then have a longer sleep.
Is my baby cluster feeding?
If your baby is having a lot of short feeds close together over a few hours, you are cluster feeding.
If you are cluster feeding, you might also find that your baby:
- has short rests or sleeps between these feeds
- feeds for a few minutes then pulls off and on the breast
- cries and is fussy during this time
Why do some babies cluster feed?
Your baby may like to cluster feed in the evening because:
- they need to 'fill up' before a longer night-time sleep
- extra feeds in the evening can help maintain your milk supply for the next day
- they feel a need to suck for comfort especially if they are tired from the day
- your baby may sense that you feel tired or stressed at the end of the day and cry because they want to be close.
Is my baby cluster feeding because I have a low milk supply?
When your baby is cluster feeding it can trigger your body to make more milk. When you are breast feeding, you and your baby adjust to each other's needs. If your baby wants more milk, then feeding more often lets your body know to produce it.
Cluster feeding is normal and not usually linked to a low supply. But if you're concerned about your milk supply, there are ways you can check if your baby is getting enough milk. Look at the whole picture such as:
- how many wet nappies they have
- if they usually sleep well after feeding
Common worries about cluster feeding
Cluster feeding can make you physically and emotionally drained. Many parents feel exhausted and frustrated. Some mothers say they feel like a failure, or that they lose confidence about being able to breastfeed.
You might worry that you don't have enough milk because your baby takes a long time to settle. You might also think your breasts feel empty.
But there is always milk in your breasts. They are never completely empty.
What can I do to make cluster feeding easier?
The first thing to remember is that this is normal. Cluster feeding doesn't mean that you can't make enough milk. Get as much support as you can so that you can take care of yourself.
To make cluster feeding easier you can:
- try to accept that this is how your evenings might be for a while
- follow your baby's lead and feed when they want
- rest when your baby has an afternoon nap
- make a start on dinner earlier in the day so you have less to do in the evening
- drink lots of water and don't miss meals
- ask someone else to hold your baby whilst you take a break
When should I speak to my doctor or midwife?
Cluster feeding is a normal part of a baby's feeding routine. Talk to your nurse, midwife or doctor if your baby:
- is not gaining weight
- is not producing wet and dirty nappies
- is not settling after they have finished feeding
Your doctor can check both you and your baby for medical causes for your baby being fussy.
Resources and support
For advice and support contact:
- a lactation consultant or a maternal child health nurse
- your family health nurse
- the Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline on 1800 686 268

Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
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Last reviewed: December 2023