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Contraception is the use of hormones, devices or surgery to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. It allows couples to choose if and when they want to have a baby.
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Chlamydia and pregnancy
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) affecting both males and females. Chlamydia can cause complications in pregnancy.
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STIs and pregnancy
If you are pregnant, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause serious problems for you and your baby. See how STIs are diagnosed and treated.
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Fertility awareness (natural family planning)
Fertility awareness is learning to identify which days of the month you are fertile. It can be used as a form of contraception or to become pregnant.
Read more on healthdirect website

HIV and pregnancy
Information on living with HIV during your pregnancy and planning for pregnancy.
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Domestic violence and abusive relationships
Domestic violence (or family violence) is when someone uses violence to maintain power over someone they’re close to. Learn about signs, effects and what you can do if you're in an abusive relationship.
Read more on healthdirect website