Express Plus Centrelink app
Health app | By: Centrelink
In summary
- About: app helps you manage most of your Centrelink information
- Suitable for: Australian adults with a Centrelink account
- Cost: free
- More information: Visit this page.
You can manage most of your Centrelink information using the mobile app.
You need to have a Centrelink online account and myGov account to use the app.
If you don’t have a Centrelink online account and myGov account, you’ll need to set them up. You’ll need your Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) to register for an online account. You’ll then need to link your Centrelink online account to myGov. You can use the myGov online help guides.
Some of the things you can do include:
- report income in your language
- check and update your information
- upload documents
- get payment statements
- state payment destination
- do change of circumstances
- create your voiceprint
Find out more about all the things you can do with the Express Plus Centrelink app.
The Express Plus Centrelink app is free and can be downloaded from the Express Plus Centrelink app - Apple App Store and Express Plus Centrelink app - Google Play Store.

Download now:

NOTE: This app is provided by one of Healthdirect Australia's trusted information partners. Please consider if this app is appropriate for your own individual circumstances. There may be costs to use the app or it may be free. You may also be charged for data from your telecommunications provider. For 24-hour health advice call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 or if you need help now these emergency and crisis helplines can provide immediate support.
Last reviewed: August 2023