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Neural tube defects
Neural tube defect affects less than 1 in 1000 pregnancies. Learn about factors that increase your baby's risk, and what you can do to reduce risk.
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Folate and pregnancy
Folate (folic acid) supplements are important for pregnancy as they can help prevent birth defects, including neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
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Pregnancy checkups, screenings and scans
Knowing what check-ups, screenings and scans to have and when to have them during your pregnancy is important information for every pregnant woman.
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What is a congenital disorder?
Health problems present from birth include any health condition that a baby is born with and are sometimes called birth defects, birth differences or congenital anomalies.
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Spina bifida
Spina bifida is a condition that affects the normal development of a baby's spine early in pregnancy. Read about causes, diagnosis and support.
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Vitamins and supplements during pregnancy
Folic acid, iodine and vitamin D supplements are recommended during pregnancy. But a healthy diet will provide all the other nutrients that you need.
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Pregnancy at weeks 1 to 4
When you conceive, your body’s hormone levels change, but you may not notice any signs that you’re pregnant yet.
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Anaemia in pregnancy
During pregnancy, some people become anaemic, which means they have too few red blood cells in their body. Diet and supplements can help.
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Planning for your pregnancy
If you are thinking about pregnancy, visit your doctor for a preconception consult to provide you with expert advice on planning your pregnancy.
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Linea nigra
Linea nigra (sometimes called the ‘pregnancy line’) is a dark line of skin down the middle of your abdomen that often develops during the first trimester.
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