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Weaning is when you stop breastfeeding your baby or toddler. Find out how to start reducing breast feeds and weaning your child to a bottle or cup.
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Your baby's growth and development — 11 months old
At 11 months, your baby is almost a toddler. You'll be surprised at how quickly they move around your home and how independent they become.
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Introducing solid food
By the time your baby is about 6 months of age, breast milk or formula will no longer provide all the nutrition they need for healthy growth.
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How much food at 6 to 12 months?
When you start to introduce solids at around 6 months-old, your baby will discover new tastes and textures. This handy guide will get you started.
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Your baby's growth and development - 6 months old
At 6 months, your baby should be more coordinated, start to respond to particular words, and have a better sense of the world around them.
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Balancing introducing solids with milk feeds
A balanced diet is important for your baby’s development. Learn about introducing solids to your baby’s diet and while maintaining milk feeds.
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Feeding your baby
Whether you have already had your baby or are currently pregnant planning on what is to come, learn about breastfeeding, bottle feeding and introducing solids.
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Breastfeeding while pregnant and tandem feeding
Most people can carry on breastfeeding while pregnant and after giving birth. You can find out more about this and tandem feeding here.
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Your baby's growth and development — 12 months old
At 12 months, your baby is now a toddler. They may already, or soon take first steps, develop a sense of humour, and tell you they love you.
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Dummies and comforters
Babies are often given a dummy, also called pacifiers or soothers, to suck on for comfort. Most babies have a strong sucking reflex and sucking often soothes them.
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